A. Under Restraint: It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog to allow such dog at any time to run at large. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, a dog shall be considered under restraint of the owner and therefore not "at large" when: 1. On a leash or lead; 2. The dog is under the control of its owner through the use of an electronic dog collar, provided that the owner maintains voice and sight control as outlined in subsection B of this section and carries a physical leash or lead with them at all times; 3. Confined within a vehicle; 4. Within the real property limits of the owner; 5. Within the real property limits of another with the express permission of the property owner; 6. The dog is an agricultural dog actively working; 7. The dog is hunting with its owner; or 8. The dog is within the boundaries of a designated off leash dog area adopted by ordinance or otherwise formally approved by the county, a municipality, a special service district, or a homeowners' association within the jurisdiction of the division of animal control. B. Off Leash Dog Areas: 1. Voice And Sight Control: With respect to subsection A8 of this section, dogs within the boundaries of a designated off leash dog area must be managed through the use of "voice and sight control", defined as control of the behavior of a dog which is not leashed or otherwise physically restrained by its owner sufficient that the dog does not, without regard to circumstances or distractions: a. Charge, chase, or otherwise display aggression toward any person or behave toward any person in a manner that a reasonable person would find harassing or disturbing; b. Charge, chase, or otherwise display aggression toward any animal; c. Chase, harass, or disturb wildlife or livestock; or d. Fail to come to and stay with the owner immediately upon command by such person. Summit County Dog Leash Ordinance click the link https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/summitcountyut/latest/summitcounty_ut/0-0-0-14059#JD_5-1-9
2. Off Leash Dog Area Regulations: The following shall be prohibited or illegal within the boundaries of any off leash dog area within the jurisdiction of Summit County animal control:
a. Failure of an owner of any dog within the boundaries of an off leash dog area to carry a leash or lead no longer than six feet (6') in length for each dog. Electronic dog collars may not substitute for a physical leash or lead. b. An owner having more than four (4) dogs simultaneously unleashed. c. Failure of an owner to exercise voice and sight control at all times. d. Failure of an owner to properly clean up and dispose of dog waste. e. Bringing a female dog in season (heat) into an off leash dog area. f. Failure of a dog to be properly licensed per section 5-1-5 of this chapter and to wear a license tag per section 5-1-6 of this chapter. g. Failure to follow any other posted off leash dog area rules and regulations. C. Sensitive Areas: Summit County recognizes that there are certain sensitive places where dogs should be on leash at all times. Dogs may only be allowed off leash in areas formally designated as off leash areas. Dogs must remain on leash within one hundred fifty feet (150') of an off leash public trailhead. D. Liability: The owner of any dog found running at large shall be strictly liable for a violation of this section regardless of the precautions taken to prevent the escape of the dog and regardless of whether or not he/she knows that the dog is running at large. (Ord. 832, 11-12-2014) |
1. Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog to allow such dog to attack, chase or worry any person, any domestic animal, any species of protected wildlife, or to attack domestic fowl. 2. Owner Liability: The owner in violation of this subsection A shall be strictly liable for violation of this section. In addition to being subject to prosecution under this subsection A, the owner of such dog shall also be liable in damages to any person injured or to the owner of any animal(s) injured or destroyed. 3. Defenses: The following shall be considered in mitigating the penalties or damages or in dismissing the charge: a. That the dog was properly confined on the premises; or b. That the dog was deliberately or maliciously provoked. 4. Dogs May Be Killed: Any person may injure or kill a dog while: a. The dog is attacking, chasing, or worrying: (1) A domestic animal having a commercial value; (2) A service animal; or (3) Any species of hoofed protected wildlife; b. The dog is attacking domestic fowls, another dog, or a person; or c. The dog is being pursued for committing an act described in subsection A4a or A4b of this section. B. Vicious Animals: 1. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any vicious animal to permit such animal to go or be off the premises of the owner unless such animal is under restraint and properly muzzled so as to prevent it from injuring any person, other animals, or property. 2. The director of animal control or his/her designee shall forthwith investigate any credible complaint that an animal is vicious. If the officer reasonably believes that the animal is vicious, the animal shall be immediately seized and impounded. If impoundment of a vicious animal cannot be made with safety to the animal control officer or other persons, the director of animal control shall seek a court order for the euthanization of any vicious animal that is under restraint as explained in subsection 5-1-9A of this chapter, yet cannot be controlled by reasonable restraints and cannot be effectively controlled by its owner. Owners shall, if possible, be notified immediately of the animal's location by the division of animal control. The owner of an animal impounded, other than by court order, may contest the impounding by filing a notice with the proper court and serve the same on the animal shelter within five (5) days after the impounding. C. Multiple Violations: If any animal bites or attacks a person or animal two (2) times or more in a twelve (12) month period, such animal may be immediately impounded by the division of animal control without court order and held at the owner's expense pending court action. Any such animal shall be deemed a vicious animal, and the director of animal control may seek a court order as provided in subsection B2 of this section or exercise discretion for euthanization of the animal as provided in section 5-1-18 of this chapter. Owners shall, if possible, be notified immediately of the animal's location by the division of animal control. (Ord. 832, 11-12-2014) |
5-1-14: NUISANCEAny owner of an animal(s) causing a nuisance as defined below shall be in violation of this chapter and subject to the penalties provided herein. The following shall be deemed a nuisance:
A. Conditions Enumerated: Any animal that: 1. Causes damage to the property of anyone other than its owner; 2. Is a "vicious animal" as defined herein and kept contrary to subsection 5-1-13B of this chapter; 3. Causes unreasonable fouling of the air by odors; 4. Causes unsanitary conditions in enclosures or surroundings; 5. Defecates on any public sidewalk, park, or building, or on any private property without the consent of the owner of such private property, unless the owner of such animal removes any such feces to a proper trash receptacle in a timely fashion; 6. Attacks other animals; or 7. Is determined by the division of animal control or the county health department to be offensive or dangerous to the public health, welfare, or safety. B. Offensive Or Dangerous Animals: Animals which, by virtue of the number maintained, are determined by the division of animal control or the county health department to be offensive or dangerous to the public health, welfare, or safety. C. Barking Dogs 1 : A dog that barks, bays, cries, whines, howls, or makes any noise for an extended period of time to the disturbance of any person at any time of day or night, regardless of where the dog is physically situated in or upon private property. Such extended period of time shall consist of incessant barking for thirty (30) minutes or more in any twenty four (24) hour period or intermittent barking for sixty (60) minutes or more during any twenty four (24) hour period. 1. Exceptions: a. A dog shall not be deemed a nuisance under this section if, at any time the dog is barking, a person is trespassing or threatening to trespass upon private property in or upon which the dog is situated, or when the dog is being teased or provoked by a person or animal; or b. Agricultural dogs, while actively working shall not be deemed a nuisance under this section. 2. Warnings/Citations: Law enforcement officers or the division of animal control officials have the authority to issue a citation to any owner of a barking dog that the official did not see or hear occur based upon a complaint signed under penalty of perjury lodged by a member of the community who has been disturbed by the barking dog. All complainants must clearly identify themselves by stating their name, address, and telephone number. The complainant shall complete a barking log provided by the division of animal control, which describes the offense, the date, time, place and duration of the offense, and if known, the name of the dog's owner, the owner's address and telephone number, and a description of the dog. After receiving a completed barking log, the division of animal control shall determine the validity of the complaint and if the complaint is determined to be valid, shall issue a written warning, if it is a first time offense. The owner of the barking dog shall be granted a ten (10) day correction period to resolve the issue prior to issuance of a citation. (Ord. 832, 11-12-2014)Notes 11. See also subsection 5-3-9E of this title. |
5-1-16: DUTY TO REPORT BITES A. Any person having knowledge of any individual or animal having been bitten by an animal of a species subject to rabies shall report the incident immediately to the division of animal control.
B. The owner of an animal that bites a person and any person bitten by an animal shall report the bite to the division of animal control or the county health department within twenty four (24) hours of the bite, regardless of whether or not the biting animal is a species subject to rabies. C. A physician or other medical personnel who renders professional treatment to a person bitten by an animal shall report the fact that he/she has rendered professional treatment to the division of animal control or the county health department within twenty four (24) hours of his/her first professional attendance. He/she shall report the name, sex, and address of the person bitten as well as the type and location of the bite. If known, he/she shall give the name and address of the owner of the animal that inflicted the bite, and any other facts that may assist the division of animal control in ascertaining the immunization of the animal. D. Any person treating an animal bitten, injured or mauled by another animal shall report the incident to the division of animal control. The report shall contain the name and address of the owner of the wounded, injured, or bitten animal, a description of the animal that caused the injury, and the location of the incident. E. Any person not conforming to the requirements of this section shall be in violation of this chapter. (Ord. 832, 11-12-2014) |