Regulating all Fires on the Ranch (Protective Covenant #15):
- Fire Pits - Summer fires policy: How to build an allowed fire pit and have it approved by the HOA.
- Fuel Reduction - Winter brush burning policy: How to do a winter fuel reduction (brush) fire on your property.
- Guidelines for Clearing Property: Important information from the Firefighters responsible for our area.
- If you are reducing the hazard on your property, Fill out this Form or download it HERE and email it to [email protected] to help us qualify for further federal grant money!
Remember: When the "No Fires" sign is posted at the bottom of Tollgate Canyon, fire danger is elevated and No Fires are allowed.
Time spent reducing the overall fire hazard on the Ranch qualifies us for matching funds from the Federal Government. These funds help us create fire breaks and reduce fuels along the roadways. For more information, contact the volunteer fire coordinators at [email protected].
For more information: Summit County's Living with Fire Brochure.